To attract clients, websites are created as well as different forms of advertising strategies. Now that we live in a world where people are all into social media, as a business owner, I think you should also take part in this trend and be aware of Outsourcing company advertising.
No business owner wants to be left behind when it comes to trends. If you own a business, let’s say an outsourcing company, you need to advertise it. This will help you get clients overseas. However, if you’re just going to depend on your website to attract your targeted clients, it will be difficult for you to convince them to sign up for your services. This is why social media has now been a vital part of every business’s marketing strategy.
What do you think is the most popular platform that you should use for advertising? Since we talked about social media, let us figure out the most-used platform nowadays. Any thoughts about what it is? It’s no other than Facebook! Yes, everybody uses Facebook to gather information and make contact with people from around the globe. Thus, it is also a good way of spreading a word, more so, informing people through advertisements.
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What is Facebook Advertising?
From the word itself, it is the practice that allows you to promote your brand through custom ads or via content targeting your specific audience. These promotions have specific costs that will vary on the reach and engagement that your ad will receive. These ads will then be shown on your target audience’s newsfeed or at the right column of the user’s Facebook screen, as well as on the user’s mobile.
Let’s say for example you have placed an ad about your outsourcing company, people who would want to avail of your services will be able to contact you immediately. That is one of the easiest ways for your business to secure clients.
Speaking of outsourcing, relating it to Facebook advertising’s cost-effectiveness, it is also one great way for your business to save some resources. As for more information about outsourcing, as well as its advantages, you may read through it here.
How to advertise on Facebook?
Facebook advertising allows you to connect with your target niche using the platform. You will have a bigger chance of attracting more people, and generating future clients through different campaigns. Consider this as one form of investment. Facebook ads, as we have mentioned earlier also generates your leads. Through this, you are guaranteed ROI.
Now, let us help you on how you can advertise on Facebook. Read through our tips below:
1. Create your Facebook business page.
You will have a lot of choices for your business but keep in mind that you should always be specific. Aside from this, you need to fill out all the necessary details about your business. Upload a profile picture, as well as a cover photo that is relevant to your type of business.
2. Create a goal for your Facebook ads.
Create smart goals for your ads and make them specific, attainable, relevant, measurable, and time-based. These goals are of great help especially if you are aiming for a better return of investment (ROI). One good example of a specific goal is, aiming for at least 500 likes in a month.
3. Customize your target audience.
Facebook ads will let you choose your target audience. You can either set it to all females only or all males only, followed by a certain age bracket and location.
“For example, you want to target people who are living in your country. These people have ages from 18-30 years old. Both male and female population. “
It is more advisable to target people in your local area first before jumping into other sets of locations. However, it will also depend on the type of business you have. As for your outsourcing company, it should also target audiences from the USA, UK, and other countries that will most likely acquire your services. Businesses from different types of industries, even businesses in all sizes can always use Facebook to leverage all their marketing strategies.
Also, remember that Facebook is one of the best tools you can use for your ad campaigns especially if your target audience is worldwide.
What are the Types of Facebook Ads?
While Facebook may have the highest online presence in the whole globe, not all business owners are well-versed when it comes to advertising on Facebook or any other social media in general. While you may have a variety of options to use in your campaigns, it can be overwhelming if you don’t have enough knowledge about such.
We have listed down the common types of Facebook ads you can use to help you out:
Lead Ads
This type of ad enables marketers to collect information and generate leads from your target audience. Rather than redirecting people to a specific landing page, to fill out your lead form, Facebook lead ads enable your customers to get a hold of your offers without having to leave the platform.
Video Ads
Video Ads are a great way to increase your brand awareness and retarget your niche. This is a very creative way to show off your features products and/or services, attract more people through motions and sound, make a connection with your target audience, and generate more sales.
Carousel Ads
Also known as a Multi-Product Ads, these ads are created for the following: improve overall marketing results, have a better conversion rate, increase your site visitors. This type of ad enables you to display three (3) product images in one ad, and it will appear in both mobile or desktop feeds.
Collection Ads
These ads make it easier for consumers to browse and purchase your products and/or services straight from their mobile devices. People who will click in your ad can see more of your products or look for more details regarding your products and/or services without having to leave the Facebook platform.
Why You Should Outsource Your Facebook Advertising?
As a business owner, we understand that although you may already know about Facebook marketing, its execution can be quite overwhelming. Thus, Facebook marketing requires planning. You will also need to allot a specific amount of time daily to monitor your campaigns and interact with your target audience. As a business owner, we understand that you have other important things to focus on with your business. You cannot wear too many hats at the same time. This is why a lot of entrepreneurs are looking for outsourcing company advertising to outsource Facebook ads.
Outsourcing Facebook ads will not only lessen your plate, but it means that you will be entrusting a part of your business growth to more experienced people. Prime Outsourcing offers a team of highly-experienced and knowledgeable professionals in the online marketing industry. Leave us a message today and get in touch with our very own Online Marketing Consultant.