Providing Functional and Comfortable Workstations for an Overseas Company
The Client
The client is a Singapore-based trading firm that specializes in hedge fund research and trade execution for clients all over the world. In order to allocate the company’s funds on more important aspects of the business, the company outsourced freelance employees based in the Philippines to cut costs.
However, hiring freelance employees made training and communication between the company and hired staff very inconsistent and unstable. Because the company hired a very small team, renting office space would be impractical.
This study focuses on how Prime Outsourcing provided office space for a company that needed a headquarters overseas in order to carry out business operations effectively and smoothly through our seat leasing services. Because the client is a privately owned company, we will not disclose which aspects of their business they outsourced and how it affects their overall operations.
The Prime Solution
The client contacted PrimeOutsourcing searching for a facility that can accommodate their freelance staff for a long period of time. The client requested three seats for their employees, all fitted with the latest computer equipment, accessories and a high-speed Internet connection. They also requested an additional seat for another personnel whom they will send in from Singapore who will serve as the company’s onshore liaison officer and training supervisor for the staff members.
PrimeOutsourcing’s office, located along Shaw Boulevard in Mandaluyong City, is very convenient and accessible for the client’s employees and onshore supervisor. Our company provided them with workstations equipped with the latest Windows OS and licensed software they needed for their daily operations.
The client also requested to have an IP camera access to monitor their staff members’ daily operations to ensure efficient productivity.
The Results:
The client started their operations in our office in early November 2011 and it continues up to this day. Currently, the client leases three workstations for their offshore staff (as the client’s onshore supervisor finished the staff training within a month).
Seat leasing services at Prime Outsourcing has given an overseas company the opportunity to further improve their offshore operations by providing functional and well-equipped workstations where their staff members can perform their tasks comfortably and effectively.