Case Studies
Learn more about what we do from the projects we did, and see how we contribute to our client’s businesses.

Launching an Online Academy with Interactive Web Development
The Clients
The client is an online marketer who wanted to establish an online learning center with a comprehensive curriculum to educate people who want to set up their own online business. Because there are plenty of fraudulent “institutions”on the Internet today, he wanted his learning center to be different as he truly wants to help people.
He conceptualized a website that can provide the necessary substantial information and the tricks of the trade in Internet marketing and search engine optimization, give inexpensive starter kits and tutorials, and present a program that includes tools such as website builders, website templates and customized web designs.
The Prime Solution
The client was looking for skilled designers and developers who can build and design his project from scratch. However, as he has never used outsourcing before, he took a risk in getting the services of PrimeOutsourcing.
The client initially hired a Senior Web Designer on January 2, 2008 to start work on his project. The tasks of the web designer included front and back end web designing and providing the design of offline deliverables such as logo design, business card design, e-book covers and CD covers.
Because the client was satisfied with the output of our web designer, he decided to hire an additional Senior Web Developer
on March 4, 2008. His tasks included developing the set design into a working website integrated with CMS for data management and other essential elements.
Using an online project management software that prioritizes tasks and deadlines, the client was able to assign work for his team efficiently; he was also able to keep track of the team’s progress by using a time management application.
The risk he took paid off. The whole project was accomplished in no time and the client was fully satisfied with the results and exceeded his expectations about our company.
The Results
Ever since the successful launch of the client’s online academy, a lot of online entrepreneurs have benefitted from the online learning center’s extensive lesson plans. By hiring his team of designers and developers from PrimeOutsourcing, he was able to focus on the core competencies of his business and reduce expenses at the same time.
Today, the client continues to hire staff from our company to manage and maintain his online learning center; and design and develop other types of websites such as e-commerce sites, online auction sites, portfolio and photography sites, and review blog sites. Over the years, the relationship between our staff and the client grew and project delivery became more efficient due to familiarity of design preferences and other related variables.
This only proves that success comes with trust and reliability, and trusting Prime Outsourcing can simply take your business farther.